Krueger, T., Page, T., Smith, L. and A. Voinov (eds) (2012) Thematic issue on Expert Opinion in Environmental Modelling and Management Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 36, pp.1-148, October 2012.
As stakeholder involvement and expertise becomes an accepted feature of environmental modelling, Relu researchers have been timely in editing a special issue of the leading journal in this field - Environmental Modelling and Software - on “Expert Opinion in Environmental Modelling and Management”. Environmental modelling is no longer the preserve of a few “experts”. Models for environmental assessment and management draw on an increasingly diverse range of experience and stakeholders. They also have to take account of participatory, analytic-deliberative and adaptive approaches to managing complex environmental problems. This unprecedented special issue brings together interdisciplinary research from Relu and the wider community, setting social science insights next to technical methodologies. Together, the papers offer a rich perspective on the practice of environmental modelling, its strengths and limitations. In particular, the issue explores how to make best use of all existing knowledge in responding to the environmental challenges we face as society. view online
Lowe, P., Phillipson, J., Green, L.E., Hunter, S., Jeger, M.J., Poppy, G.M. and Waage, J. (eds) Special Issue: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the management of infectious animal and plant diseases in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Volume 366, Number 1573, July 2011
In this special issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Relu academics take a fresh look at infectious diseases of animals and plants, from an interdisciplinary perspective. View online Issue Contents
Phillipson, J., Lowe, P. and J.M. Bullock (eds) (2009) Special Profile: Integrating ecology and the social sciences in Journal of Applied Ecology, Volume 46, Number 2, April 2009.
The Journal of Applied Ecology has explored for the first time how ecology relates to the social sciences in a special interdisciplinary profile. This collection of papers from Relu projects includes contributions from across the breadth of Relu land and water research. View online
Phillipson, J. and Lowe, P. (eds)(2008) Towards Sustainable Food Chains: Harnessing the Social and Natural Sciences. Special Issue of Trends in Food Science and Technology. Volume 19, Issue 5, 2008
The articles are drawn from Relu food chain projects and explore the case for a strategic approach to research on sustainable food chains, combining social and technical perspectives. View online
White, P. (ed.) (2008)
Wild Mammals and the Human Food Chain. Special Issue of Mammal Review Volume 38, Issue 2-3, April/July
Proceedings of The Mammal Society Autumn Symposium held at the Zoological Society of London, 25-26 November 2005 Supported by Relu and by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. View online
Phillipson, J. and Lowe, P. (eds) (2006) Rural Economy and Land Use: The Scoping of an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda Special Issue of the Journal of Agricultural Economics 57 (2)
This special issue considers the opportunities presented by an interdisciplinary approach and explores the range of methodological and conceptual challenges presented by the programme. View online