Press Coverage
BBC website Badgers: Splitting public opinion for more than 200 years 11 October 2012
Farmers Guardian “Boost wildlife more effectively” 14 September 2012
Farmer's Weekly Large-scale farming offers wildlife benefits 10 September 2012
Farm Business Attitudes to badgers are rooted in history and unhelpful for policymaking 23 April 2012
Farmers' Guardian Heroic Mr Badger has clouded TB debate research concludes 23 April 2012
Guardian on-line Badgers’ fate influenced by books research discovers 24 April 2012
Natural England drops peatland bog-burning inquiry quoting Relu researchers from Uplands project Guardian on line 14 March 2012
Farmers’ Weekly “Artificial meat may leave a sour taste” Talking Point by Anne Liddon, Relu Science Communications Manger, p 37 , 9 March 2012
Newcastle Journal University event to put spotlight on owning land 11 November 2011
Newcastle Journal Major conference opens on Tyneside to mark success of project 16 November 2011
Property Week Game on Alister Scott’s Rufopoly game 9 December 2011
Observer On top of their games Lucy Siegel ethical column on board games mentions “Rufopoly” game 11 December 2011
Times Higher Education Fresh crop of winners and losers Alister Scott’s Rufopoly game 15 December 2011
Farmers' Weekly Interactive Scientists call for transparency on disease 22 September 2011
Cattle disease researchers call for more information from sellers 22 September 2011
Farming Monthly Livestock sellers should provide more information about disease risk 21 September 2011
Veterinary Record “Securing the veterinary role in society” by A Liddon, S Bradley and P Lowe 17 September 2011 Full version Editorial
Local Government Chronicle Getting better ecological value from rural landscapes by Philip Lowe 30 August 2011
Local Government Chronicle 9 June 2011 "Pathogens Parasites and Public Health" by Relu's Science Communications Manager Anne Liddon
Farmers’ Guardian "Free global trade may threaten out food supplies" 9 June 2011
RICS Land Journal June-July 2011"Catching the blight" by Clive Potter and Anne Liddon
RICS Land Journal June-July 2011 "Uplands in the balance" by Mark Reed and Klaus Hubacek
Farm Business Is free global trade too great a threat to our food supplies, natural heritage and health? 9 June 2011
Global Food Security website Management of diseases vital to our food security 9 June 2011
Farmers’ Weekly 22 April 2011 Nuclear backlash may prompt energy rethink – Talking Point by Anne Liddon, Relu Science Communications Manager
Global food security blog 4 March 2011 Anaerobic digestion on farms could turn agriculture green
NFU online Anaerobic digestion on farms could turn agriculture green 4 March 2011
Global Food Security blog Kind words butter no parsnips posting by Philip Lowe 21 February 2011
Farm Business Research could help local authorities engage residents in Big Society 26 January 2011
E!science news UK landscapes could be at risk of another major tree epidemic, say researchers 24 January 2011
Keep Scotland Beautiful news Relu report: thoughts on enabling community action 21 December 2010
SDRN News Does research from the Rural Economy and Land Use programme offer any lessons for those at the sharp end in building the Big Society: ... 14 December 2010
Angling Times Commercial day ticket fisheries are bad for angling 10 December 2010 Angling project
Anglersnet Could commercialisation of angling threaten native species and anglers skills? 10 December 2010 angling project
Food Ethics Magazine UK Land Use – a waste of space? By Philip Lowe and Anne Liddon Winter 2010, vol 5 issue 4 p 17
Yorkshire Post A rod for their own backs 26 November 2010 article on Liz Oughton angling project
The Ecologist Written charter for land use vital for big society management of natural resources 23 November 2010
Farm Business Written charter for land use could underpin integrated land management22 November 2010
BBC TV News Working with nature to stop floods in North Yorkshire
16 November 2010 coverage of pilot scheme following Whatmore project
Yorkshire Post New voice for upland communities – Uplands project new website reported 9 November 2010
Vet Marketing Working for small businesses interview with Philip Lowe about veterinary services Winter 2010 issue 1
Geography Review Ecosystem services and land use: a synoptic approach by Anne Liddon vol 24 no 2 36-39 November 2010
BBC Radio 4 Farming Today Andrew Lovatt interviewed 12 October 2010 Review of “Empires of Food” by Evan Fraser and Andrew Rimas 24 September 2010
Food Security website Fences could help clean up watercourses September 2010
Mother and Baby Magazine Stay safe on the farm article on E coli risk quoting Dr Colette Jones p17 August 2010
Farmers Guardian Breaking the vicious circle opinion piece by Professor Wyn Grant on bovine TB p9 Friday 27 August 2010
Local resident Mike Potter, a member of Ryedale Flood Group, was interviewed on Radio York at 7.35 am on 28 July, about proposal for bunds to alleviate flooding in Pickering that resulted from research carried out as part of a Relu's Understanding Environmental Knowledge Controversies project.
Prysor Williams was interviewed on Radio 4’s Farming Today about Relu’s Reducing E coli risk in Rural Communities project on 29 June 2010.
This was also covered extensively in The Scotsman and the Scottish and Welsh local print and broadcast media.
Articles about the Relu project 'Sustainable Uplands, learning to manage future change'
Yorkshire Post 26 February 2010, The Scotsman 27 February 2010, Press and Journal 27 February 2010
The Veterinary Record published an article by Relu Director Philip Lowe 'A public or private profession?' p 211-212, and editorial comment 'Carving out a role in food production p 184 0n 13 February 2010.
This was subsequently covered by numerous news outlets including: The Daily Telegraph 13 February 2010, Newcastle Journal 15 February 2010
The Ecologist published an article about “What is Land for? The Food Fuel and Climate Change Debate” on 11 February 2010
RICS Land Journal published Time for fresh thinking? By Frances Rowe (Relu visiting fellow writing on land use planning and citing Relu projects) p 9-10 in their issue Feb/March 2010
Town and Country Planning published Regional rural land use – a time for fresh thinking? by Frances Rowe (Relu visiting fellow) p 28-31 January 2010
Farmers’ Weekly published Should Defra rule by the heart or by the head? Talking point article by Relu researcher Katy Wilkinson p 29, 29 January 2010
You and Yours, BBC Radio 4, 12 noon on Wednesday 27 January 2010, featured "Slowing the Flow" Forestry Commission and Defra demonstration project for Pickering flood management that has resulted from Relu's Understanding Environmental Knowledge Controversies research.
BBSRC food security website December 2009 “The human and technological dimension” Relu Director Philip Lowe on food security for the BBSRC's new blog
Rural Matters RASE Magazine Winter issue 2009 p 22 “What’s the alternative?”
Farmers’ Weekly 11 December 2009 p29 “E coli is an issue farmers should try to address” Talking point article by Colette Jones.
Food Climate Research Network 1 December 2009 “Relu briefing: Does carbon labelling give developing countries a bad deal?”
Political Ecology web news 28 November 2009 “Carbon Labelling Still Far From Perfect”
Food Ethics Council magazine Winter issue 2009 vol 4 issue 4 “What is land for?”New book edited by M Winter and M Lobley featuring Relu researchers p 35
Food Ethics Council magazineWinter issue 2009 vol 4 issue 4 “The herbivore’s dilemma”article by Gareth Edwards-Jones p17
Western Morning News 25 November 2009 Climate change book launched by chief adviser “What is land for?” launch
BBC Radio 4 23 November 2009 Today Programme interview with Phil Rothwell Head of Flood Risk management policy at the EA mentioned the work of Whatmore project in Pickering.
Rural Matters, RASE magazine Autumn issue “What do we want from the uplands?” Article on Relu conference by Anne Liddon p 21
BBC Radio 4 Farming Today 22 September 2009 Gareth Edwards-Jones interviewed about ethics of buying local food v developing world
Biomass Week 19 September 2009 A recent study performed by the U.K. Research Councils Rural Economy and Land Use Program (Karp project)
Veterinary Record 29 August 2009 “BVA seeks views on the Lowe report”
Veterinary Times 24 August 2009 p 2 “Academic’s large animal report receives backing”Lowe report
Veterinary Record 15 August 2009 “Call for a new relationship between farm vets, their clients and government – news report on Lowe report Renewing relationships”– comment on Lowe report
Swinecast US web news 13 August 2009 (links on,,, and “Report on the U.K. Veterinary Practices Offers Advice For Improvement”, webcast interview with P Lowe on Lowe report
BBC Radio 4 12 August 2009 “You and Yours”feature on uplands and grouse shooting with Relu researcher Mark Reed
Wales on line 8 August 2009 “Call for vets to take stronger role in ensuring food safety” – Lowe report
Medical News Today 8 August 2009 “Independent report calls for rethink on farm veterinary services”
Farmers’ Weekly 7 August 2009 p 10 “Farm vet service in sharp decline”coverage of Lowe report
Newcastle Journal 7 August 2009 “Vets aim to seize the initiative on farm animal practice policy” – coverage of Lowe report
Farming Today, BBC Radio 4, 5.45 am Thursday 6 August 2009 featured Relu Director Professor Philip Lowe’s independent report “Unlocking potential, a report on veterinary expertise in food animal production” including interviews with Professor Lowe and with British Veterinary Association President Nicky Paull.
Aberdeen Press and Journal 6 August 2009 “Report urges Britain’s vets to take more active role” - coverage of Lowe report
Meat Trade News Daily 6 August 2009 “Shortage of vets” coverage of Lowe report
World Veterinary Association website 6 August 2009 “BVA welcomes challenges set out for profession” – coverage of Lowe report
Farmers’ Guardian 6 August 2009 “Vets urged to unlock their potential” – coverage of Lowe report
NFU Online 6 August 2009 “Your farm vet and you” – coverage of Lowe report
The Herald 6 August 2009 Marginalised farm vets require help to unlock potential – Lowe report
Farmers’ Weekly Interactive 6 August 2009 Report calls for rethink on farm vet service– coverage of Lowe report
BBC Radio 4 6 August 2009 Farming Today Lowe report includinginterview with Philip Lowe
BBC TV The One Show 15 July 2009 Item on sustainable agriculture mentioning Relu tilapia project
Western Morning News 1 June 2009 “Changing diets are a threat to farmers”(Bruce Traill project)
Horticulture Week 21 May 2009 “More polytunnels needed to meet government targets on fruit and veg consumption”
Reading Chronicle 21 May 2009 “Healthy eating will destroy countryside” Feature on Traill project
Reading 107 FM 21 May 2009 Interview with Philip Jones from Traill project broadcast on morning news bulletins
Farmers’ Weekly and FWi website 20 May 2009 “Five a day could lead to big changes in land use” – Bruce Traill project
BBC Radio Berkshire 20 May 2009 Interview with Philip Jones from Traill project broadcast on evening news bulletins
BBC News website 20 May 2009 “Healthy eating alters landscape” – Bruce Traill project
The Today Programme BBC Radio 4, and BBC news bulletins 20 May 2009
“Following healthy eating guidelines would lead to changes”
Farming Today BBC Radio 4 20 May 2009 Research at the University of Reading suggests that if we all ate the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day we would need to grow many more crops under plastic, leading to a marked change in the way the countryside looks.
Food Ethics Magazine Spring issue p47 “Kristian’s fish and chip restaurant” Review by Jeremy Phillipson
NFU online Relu policy and practice note on Bruce Traill project highlighted April 2009
Yorkshire Post “Pilot project to tackle flooding risk” 18 March 2009
BBC 1 TV The One Show19 March. Item on Lyme Disease
Farmers’ Weekly “Farming in an age of uncertainty”6 March 2009 by Anne Liddon
Daily Post “Volunteers sought to probe E coli theory” 24 February 2009 (Strachan project)
The Yorkshire Post “Beef encounters with a world transformed by milk and meat” 4 February 2009, article on Evan Fraser’s research and book review
Scottish Farmer 29 January 2009 "Heather lamb good for your health"
Western Morning News 27 January 2009 "Why the West is back in fashion"
The Observer 25 January 2009 "Demand for beef harming the countryside” Interdisciplinary fellow Evan Fraser’s new book
Press and Journal 24 January 2009 "Grampian scientists to test theory of livestock workers’ e.coli immunity" ( Strachan project)
Western Mail 17 January 2009 "Animal workers to be tested for ecoli"
Yorkshire Post 16 January 2009 "High quality food from natural land"
The Observer 23 March 2008 citing Gareth Edwards-Jones on food miles.
How the myth of food miles hurts the planet
Guardian Letters page 11 March 2008
Rresponses to Prof John Beddington including letter from Relu Director Philip Lowe calling for public debate on land use
Daily Telegraph 8 March 2008
Oaks: next for the axe?
Farmers' Weekly interactive 7 March 2008
Farmers urged to enter land use debate
Times online 7 March 2008
Price rises feed through to your shopping basket article by Valerie Elliott mentioning Great Land Use Debate
Guardian 7th March 2008
Farming Today, BBC Radio 4 5.45 am Thursday 6 March 2008 featured an interview with Professor Philip Lowe on the Relu Great Land Use Debate
Journal Saturday 1 March 2008 p30/31
Food for thought on rural land use, Have your say in the great land debate and Fishing for the benefit of us all.
The Daily Telegraph 19 January 2008.
A taste of the good old graze: Customs of care and nutrition are back on the table. Julian Rollins tucks into a welcome study article about Eating Biodiversity project with Professor Henry Buller.
Daily Telepgraph. "Worship for bog almighty" 15 December 2007
Article about Uplands Futures project
Scottish Food and Drink website October 2007.
Scotland on Sunday, 21 October 2007. Could exotic fish provide economies of scale for struggling Scots farmers?
BBC News 24, 10 October 2007 Call to breed fish in farm barns
Scenta website October 2007. Wyn Grant on "Red tape and green fields"
Innovations report website October 2007.
Wyn Grant on "Bureaucracy threatens farmers’ green revolution"
Financial Times 11 September.
Biofuel crops to transform landscape reporting from
BA Festival of Science on Angela Karp project on energy crops, quoting
her and Philip Lowe
Times 11 September.
How seeds of technology could turn the country green reporting
from BA Festival of Science on Angela Karp project on energy crops,
quoting her and Philip Lowe 11 September
BBC TV News 24 Monday 10 September.
BA Festival of Science Angela Karp interviewed about
RELU project on energy crops and Philip Lowe interviewed about interdisciplinarity
and the RELU programme.
BBC Radio 4 Costing the Earth 6 September 2007.
Stuart Lane on flooding
and land use
Guardian 7 August
"Pursuit of the risk vaccine" – article on history of
FMD research by RELU research fellow Abigail Woods,,2142923,00.html
Dispatches, Channel 4, 2 July 2007.
Carbon offsetting and labelling
Farmers’ Weekly 3 August
"Spare room in your barn?"
Malton and Pickering Mercury 27 June 2007
“People can help floods research”
“Flood Study” Malton Gazette and Herald.
25 June 2007,
'What kind of Grass?' by O Jones, Artisan Foods, Comment, June 2007 Vol. 3, No 1, pp 10-11.
"Lamb in Full Flavour", by Gail Vines, Green Futures, 64, May/June 2007, pp 34-37.
Daily Telegraph, 3 June 2007. “Greener by miles”
Article on food miles
quoting Gareth Edwards-Jones
BBC Radio 4, 17 May 2007, Angela Karp and Joe Morris
“Costing the Earth” on biofuels
Guardian 23 March 2007
Carbon offsetting could help fund upland peat restoration
Post 21 March 2007
Moorlands could be used to combat global warming, researchers say